Saturday, August 29, 2015


I think Donald Trump needs a bigger airplane-called Air Force One. His sleek personal executive jet landed in Norwood MA for a fund raiser with car magnate Ernie Boch late August 2015 as Trump's poll numbers continue to climb. Why not a president Trump? Reagan was an actor, Carter a peanut farmer, so let's have a successful billionaire straighten out our mess!  The media loves to edit the man's remarks, spinning their "we're so offended" sound bites while the other GOP candidates languish in relative obscurity. Recall Mr. Trump did say SOME immigrants are nice people. But we do have laws which still have to be enforced. Build a wall with the lovely doorway. I don't think children born in US should be deported, but I think their parents, if illegally here, either obtain citizenship or they take their kids back to wherever! Unreasonable? At that recent most-watched debate FOX NEWS Meghan Kelly should've said he allegedly called women such & such, but I never heard him say that!  She singled him out that night which infuriated him for attacking his character-heck he is married and has women employed in his Trump Organization and Trump Entertainment Resorts. It would be interesting for media to disclose how many minorities work for him as well. Again there are laws. I've not yet heard from the others how we will defeat ISIS, but Trump says we can secure the oil fields over there, taking away the enemy's economic base. Oh that would violate their sovereignty you say. It's time our/Allies' airplanes, trains, malls, cargo ships, skyscrapers, military bases and newspaper office sovereignty were no longer violated by those depraved, barbaric renegades who profess a religion. And Iran will think twice about cheating on this nuclear deal while innocent people continue to be imprisoned there. I like Trump's appraisal about how rich people can control politicians with their lobbyists/ donors-by making the politicians dance like puppets-very honest thing to say by him. I think Donald Trump is exploiting his reality show success (I never watched it) to capitalize on his power, pull and popularity. He is funny & articulate. I love the story how he sued Bill Maher $5 million for calling Trump a name on Jay Leno in 2013. He won and gave it to charity. This country needs self-respect again after 8 years of coddling street thugs, and appeasing our enemies overseas with empty threats/ redlines. End this rubber stamp deficit spending to finance faulty health care websites and automobile ignition switches in near bankrupt stimulus practices. The Veteran's Administration has acted shamefully as our returning maimed people await attention, following a war which was lost by a patronizing, feckless leader who assuaged his audience for political gain in 2008. The new VA hospital project in Denver has skyrocketed to over a billion dollars! I believe Mr. Trump could solve these problems, making America great again. How many of you have taken time to look up his background on Wikipedia? I did- taking two hours to write down his military school and business experience. He's written 17 books about making money, real estate, golf and America. Everybody is talking about Trump. With a 24-30% lead in the polls, crowds turning out in Iowa, NH and South Carolina, maybe the other candidates need to wake up, join forces, and give in to a Trump nomination if Republicans want overcome past defeats by McCain & Romney to take back the White House and Air Force One in 2016!